Isn’t Thailand just a place for tropical beaches, exotic food and shopping frenzies?
Won’t this just be another animation factory?
Don’t Asians have a different sense of humor that doesn’t translate in the west?
While it IS a paradise for beach creatures, foodies, and those with empty suitcases to fill, there is a thriving & stellar animation industry here that’s been active for more than 30 years. There are a number of top universities offering animation programs and an ever-expanding pool of world-class talent. Check those links above for proof!
For Thai artists, animation is a passion that is pursued fervently with diligence and pride. People care deeply about their craft and are not afraid to speak up when there are opportunities to make improvements. And who benefits? Client, artist and audience in equal measure!
Au contraire! Humor and storytelling in Thailand is FANTASTIC and translates well around the world. Due to its geographical location, Thailand is - and has been - a central hub for global trade for hundreds of years, and draws influence from all corners of the globe. And with Bangkok being a multi-culti metropolis of ex-pats from everywhere, art, humor and sub-cultures thrive in modernity.